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Side Way Reads is an endeavor to learn through reading. We seek to read things from multiple perspectives and not just through one lens or view. Hence why we are called Side Way Reads. We currently have 8 categories of books that we discuss as we add to them. You can read more about them below. We will be adding more in the future as we expand our knowledge and our library.
Our Purpose
Challenge your beliefs, explore new ideas, and learn on a journey of truth. It is only through this that you find the truth and solidify your beliefs.
Our Beliefs
To fully understand the information we provide here on this website it is best to fully understand the lens we are viewing these books from initially. Of course Our Purpose is to challenge and therefore find truth. The primary lens we read from will probably become apparent as you look through the lists of books and read our reviews. We hold beliefs most closely to Protestant Christianity with various incorporated denominations. We hold right leaning or currently conservative political views with some center or moderate views as well. We hold the view that all information leads to beliefs and those beliefs inform opinions and then continue to keep building our whole belief system. Our goal is to change the information into knowledge of wide ranging topics to have better informed beliefs and opinions.
Explore our past reads in an easy to understand system.
AAR - Antithetical Acumen Reads are books chosen to read because or after reading realized were antithetical to our beliefs or way of thinking. This is important to us because we want to understand those that think differently than us, and be able to understand our beliefs are firmly rooted in truth.
BBR - Brave Biographical Reads are biographies of random people. Of course, many are people we admire and want to know more about, and learn from.
CCR - Christ Centered Reads are any books that have a Christian author or about theology in some way or another. These will focus more on theology than self-help style. We have a different category for those even if they are biblical.
EER - Empowering Encounter Reads are anything along the self-help style or that gives a call to action. Some are clearly self-help, others are more informational. Some are very topical driven others are very broad.
HHR - Highlighting Historical Reads are books that don't fall into the other categories but are about certain topics or events in history.
IIR - Illuminating Informational Reads are other books of information that don't fall into the category of self-help, theology, or history. It would be more of psychology, science, technology etc.
LLR - Legendary Literary Reads are books of stories, novels, and otherwise literary works that don't necissarily fit into the other categories. Most of these books will be "older" to keep in line with the legendary name, however, some newer ones may find there way into the list if there is not another list for them and they are deemed classical in nature.
PPR - Presidential People Reads are biographies of all of the United States Presidents. They will not be included in the BBR category. This is the category that made this entire journey start. Side Way Reads loves history, especially American history, and finds the prospect of looking at it through the lenses of the Presidents to be a fascinating endeavor.
SSR - Socially Succinct Reads are books that are about social issues. These are books that won't necessarily fall into the EER, IIR, or CCR category. Although some of them could cross over, if they feature primarily social issues they will be featured in this category. It should cover a wide range of social issues.
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